Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Advocate

I'm calling my blog "The Advocate" because I've been an advocate in many different settings, both formal and informal, both as a person with the title of advocate and by advocating a particular cause or activity. The way of the advocate is not easy because it may mean disturbing the existing and established method of doing things.

Advocating for patients in a psychiatric hospital, helping to develop a volunteer advocacy program, helping to organize a volunteer-supported social club for mental patients through both a community mental health center and a psychiatric hospital, developing several support groups in areas such as divorce and separation, bipolar & depressive disorders as well as death and dying, and grief.

I've also been an advocate for the homeowners of a condominium complex (both on the board of directors and off).

When an interesting topic or a problem comes up, I will often advocate the reading of a particular book or gathering information from various sources, most especially the web, to shed light on the topic or problem.

I'm an advocate for learning more about the generations of one's family that preceded you, particularly by obtaining, scanning, then editing the pictures that are found in attics, albums, drawers, boxes, basements, and the like. This activity helped me to revive memories and know much more about my grandparents (my grandfather sitting in a very early car without a top; my grandmother as a young wife tending her flock of chickens) through photographs.

I have begun my blog. More will be revealed about what and how I advocate and advocate for as I go on.